【同义词辨析】 2019-02-22 贞洁chaste-decent

chaste: primarily implies a refraining from acts or even thoughts or desires that are not virginal or not sanctioned by marriage vows: maintained ~ relations until marriage.       sanction有两个意思,1.制裁,一般指限制贸易measures to restrict trade,如the economic sanctions on Iran have been lifted对伊朗的经济制裁已经取消 2.批准同意to approve,如本例)  refrain克制,不去做

pure: implies innocence and absence of temptation RATHER than control of one’s impulses and actions: the ~ of heart.

modest: stresses absence of characteristics of dress or behavior unbefitting one who is pure and chaste: her dress was always ~.

decent: stresses regard for what is considered seemly and proper: ~ people didn’t go to such movies.

chaste贞洁: 指克制违背童贞婚约行为和欲望,pure纯洁: 表示天真无邪免受诱惑,而不是控制欲望,modest谦逊: 表示衣着言行符合贞洁纯洁的标准,如谦虚不浮夸,低调不自满,decent体面: 强调顾及是否合适恰当

记忆方法: 1)首字母CPMD排列成PCMD平常美德<==贞洁

         2)贞洁的意思是没有沾染淫秽下流mean free from all taint of what is lewd or salacious.  lewd下流sexual in a rude and unpleasant way   salacious淫秽: 包含过多性爱细节containing too much sexual detail